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couple en insécurité affective

emotionally insecure coupleI’m in constant emotional insecurity and it’s not only destroying my couple, it’s eating away at my life. I have heard this sentence hundreds of times before. And the worst thing is that very often we don’t see solutions to get out of it, and it gets worse over time.

Then we fall into emotional dependence or love jealousy appears. Is this feeling of emotional insecurity ruining your life, ruining your life as a couple, or preventing you from meeting people?

This one feelings of emotional insecurity especially you feel like you can’t get out of it. You also feel the fear of losing the other, the feeling that you are not up to it, but also specific desires to improve your life as a couple and all other areas of your life.

Know that there are effective solutions to overcome this feeling. This is what we will see in this article, as well as in the video that you will find below. But before that, it is necessary to understand what emotional insecurity is and why we fall into it.

Definition of affective insecurity

The feeling of insecurity in psychology is defined as anxiety caused by a sense of danger. This can be real or imagined.

Regarding this uncertainty, may be a figment of the imagination. Which means that sometimes it’s an illusion or a plan that you come up with from scratch. We fantasize about a situation in which we imagine the worst. So there is also a form of negativity which rationality takes over.

This feeling refers to the more general notion of instability or lack of security. And inevitably when we talk about the lack of security, we can quickly make the connection with lack of self-confidence.

But although the definition of emotional security can help us better understand what is troubling us, it does not explain everything. Indeed, it must be admitted that it nevertheless remains relatively abstract.

So, how to concretely explain the lack of emotional tranquility…

Why am I insecure in love?

A conversation about affective insecurity and childhood is necessary for understanding and treating this problem, which is most often rooted in this period. Indeed, witnessing a divorce gone wrong, experiencing traumatic events, being bullied at school. All of these situations and many more can explain your behavior as an adult.

A constantly present feeling of abandonment, the fear that it will never be okay, the fact of not dealing with past events. It is difficult to have a good balance in life, when you are afraid, when you do not believe enough in yourself and your potential.

However, childhood and the role of parents is not the only factor that can explain this emotional dependence that a person can feel. Indeed, failure in love leaves traces. We do not want to go through this situation and do everything to adapt to the current partner so as not to lose him/her. However, to do so is to draw a line under your own happiness!

What I notice with most of the men and women I follow who share your problem is a lack of concrete actions to heal this emotional insecurity. You are aware of the problem, but you need to establish a strategy to get out of it and stop being afraid of losing the person you love.

Many people leave pessimistic and dwell on the past, which prevents them from finding solutions when they are there!

This is the key to success, your confidence, your mind. The tips that I will present to you do not require strong actions, sacrifices, but constant work on your mental state in order to change your life.

You have already taken a big step forward in determining why you have this emotional insecurity within you. Now it is necessary to act in order to leave all those bad thoughts behind and move forward. Discover without further delay a method that will change your daily life and your romantic relationships!

Heal emotional insecurity by controlling your emotions

An insecure person is first of all a person who does not control his thoughts, his emotions. It is the common point of all people who have this deficiency in their life.

Therefore, it is important not to think negatively anymore, but I admit that it is easier said than done. However, there are 2 tips that are effective and allow you to get the negativity out of your mind.

The first is to spend all your energy on sports, a great way to release your emotional reservoirs and gain confidence in your potential!

The second, more emotional, is working on breathing, stress level. Yoga, meditation are excellent tools for success. In order to have results, it is necessary to be rigorous in these actions and not to wait until we feel bad to act, but to do it EVERY DAY!

Feel emotional security thanks to self-confidence!

Low self-confidence means falling into emotional dependence, because you will want to compensate for this lack by being too present for your partner. I’m talking about the sentimental realm because that’s what drives most of you to action. But at work or with family it is a habit that continues.

Faith in yourself is therefore one of the solutions to get out of emotional insecurity because you will become aware of your potential! That’s what you’re missing. You have qualities but you don’t know them or are afraid to express them.

The more we work on our qualities, on a project we are passionate about, the more we leave the negative aside!

Stop emotional addiction with a simple trick!

Having a better relationship with yourself means focusing on the positive, but to do that, you need to have clear ideas to make things easier.

Quite frankly, there are two options today. Either you make excuses at the first difficulty and risk maintaining a pattern that makes you suffer, especially by letting your emotions take over, or on the contrary, you set new actions to always try to control what is happening inside you, but also to energize your daily life and get more luck.

It is important not to act without first thinking about action plans, because that way we make mistakes and actually prevent ourselves from moving forward.

Listing your qualities, what you like to do in life, helps to find meaning in it. So you know exactly what you need to work on and your potential! You have strength.

Get out of the zone of insecurity by putting positivity!

In this part I will focus on married life. Emotional insecurity stems from the fear of doing wrong, of being judged. However, to combat the latter, you need to get rid of these toxic thoughts.

It’s time to give it a boost! You should not only think about your child and work, but also about how to give your other half more love. Not only is it necessary to work on self-confidence, but you must not forget about your other half.

Either through dialogue, play, new projects, restoring trust in a partner. Instead of thinking about breaking up, divorce, you have to ask yourself “how can I increase the feeling of love I feel and make it reciprocal? “. It’s not an easy situation because the causes of this anxiety are personal, but we can also solve them as a couple!

By talking about the past, get rid of the feeling of insecurity!

To achieve this, you must have confidence in yourself, of course, but above all in others. I am aware that this is a great effort that I am asking of you, but it is important to achieve it. Whether it’s in therapy, with your family, with the man or woman you’re in a relationship with, or even in the comments on this article, you need to open up to release the weight you’re carrying inside. !

Working on your insecure side and limiting its development means knowing where it comes from. Communication, openness will help you. An excellent exercise for gaining self-confidence and getting out of the zone of emotional insecurity that prevents you from being fulfilled in most cases since childhood!

Your Coach for Healing Emotional Fears,

Alex Cormont

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