How to heal from a breakup?

Comment guérir d’une rupture amoureuse

How to heal from a breakup“Hello Doctor Alexandre…” or “Hello Professor”, this is how some of my visitors’ comments begin. Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t study medicine, let alone passed the teacher’s competition. On the other hand, it’s a pleasure to read you because you show me your trust, so sometimes I smile a little when I get a prestigious title. For those who discover my site, please know that I have a university degree with a Masters in Humanities (yes, it’s not bad, it’s true :-)) and I have taken training in coaching as well as in NLP. Therefore, I have been a coach since 2007 and have guided thousands of people to emotional fulfillment through my books, audiobooks or private training. To learn more about me and my background, you can find all the information here.

Like everyone else, I appreciate compliments (but don’t overdo it either, I’ll risk blushing!) and I make sure my readers are happy to read my articles and want to know more about training. sentimental. This is a little-known discipline in our country, moreover, there is not a single person I follow in training who does not start the first sentence with the words ” This is the first time I call the coach. “. However, in the USA, love counseling is very popular and it gives clear answers to certain questions. Also, in order to make you discover my philosophy, every Friday in a long article I respond to my readers who have the courage to leave a comment with their story.

This is exactly the case of Jérôme, who in his message asked me if it was possible to heal the breakup, he compared the separation to a disease that seemed incurable for him because he was in full depression, and I realized that sometimes it is necessary to see sentimental problems in this way to is motivated to act! That’s why I wanted to send him a special response through this article, which is dedicated to him, but which is also dedicated to all people who go through a painful breakup.

Breakup is a social problem!

The numbers are clear, and all you had to do was turn on the TV last week to see it as most news outlets were talking about the divorce numbers. It’s simple, but chilling because almost any other union will end up in front of a family judge, with all that entails in terms of suffering, trials and consequences for the children and the couple’s loved ones.

Before performing this profession on a daily basis, I was well aware that many people have sentimental problems, that divorces are on the rise, but only when I was on the field did I see what kind of social drama it causes. Breakups are more and more frequent, and men and women tend to break up at the slightest argument. We no longer wonder “how to save our relationship and restore your pair “but” how to heal from a breakup “. And if that’s where the real problem came from? Especially if you’ve just gone through a tough breakup, don’t feel guilty because that’s not my intention. It’s more of a reflection on a couple’s life.

A few decades ago, we couldn’t leave each other so “easily”, especially because of the way others looked at us, but that’s not the only explanation. Nowadays, the pressure of the family is much less and in my eyes this goes in his direction because at the end of the day everyone is free to lead their life as they see fit. On the other hand, I have a feeling that before the term love had a stronger meaning than today.

Now everything goes so fast that if you don’t get what you want in a relationship, you don’t stay, you don’t try to understand the other person better, to enter his world. From now on, love life consists of:
– Register on a dating site or dating app,
– Communicate as soon as possible,
– See you in a few days,
– Leave the natural aside to show your best face,
– Progressing in a relationship without really knowing each other,

Often the social pressure is still just as strong and this is the reason why you tell yourself that you must be absolutely fit before the age of 30 and that time is running out.

Attention, I am not at all claiming that love life was “better” before or that we have to go back in time. Quite simply, we see the collapse of the family union, which has an impact on society as a whole and which would be easy to fight against. Through a few simple exercises, questioning and a new attitude, it would be possible to reduce the number of divorces by two. Every year hundreds of couples get back together on my advice, so why shouldn’t you?

And that’s why I fight every day to make as many people as possible aware of this problem, so that we can provide concrete solutions!

After this heartfelt cry, I’ll give you my advice because I guess it’s what you’re waiting for!

As for medical problems, it will be necessary to use treatment, and the latter will consist of to rebuild to heal from the breakup. Forget immediately about marabouts, psychics or other eccentric techniques! My coaching does not consist of drawing cards or reading in a magic ball whether you will be able to raise your head or not.
In your situation, you have to take concrete initiatives, and not be based on false illusions and/or on the advice of a person who will not really be interested in your story! Whether you read my articles or want to go further with a coaching session, you’ll be full of tips and advice to say goodbye heartache and on depression after separation.

In order to feel better, it is necessary to remove the veil from what prompted you to break up, that is, to understand it through a precise analysis. To find an effective remedy, you can’t just wait for time to work. Thanks to precise techniques, you will be able to move forward and leave no more room for trouble. You can get away with it, but it requires you to take the lead, but not in any way…

If it’s cold outside and you go out in a T-shirt, you can’t complain about being sick the next day. When it comes to disconnection, it’s unfortunately the same principle as searching how to heal from a breakup it’s also knowing how to avoid getting into a complicated situation!

If your couple is in the middle of a routine, that you never listen to your partner, that you take him/her for granted, that you don’t spend enough time together in complicit and pleasant moments, you must understand that this situation will not satisfy him/her and will even make him/her make her to to make a serious decision: to part ! In the same way, if you are unfaithful, you must open your eyes to your behavior and realize that it will prevent you from being truly fulfilled!

I do not want to alarm you or pour salt in the wound, but to let you know that you have the option to change your story and avoid these inconveniences. This if you’re still in a relationship but your story is faltering.

On the other hand, for people who are going through separation and have trouble holding their head up, there are two types of actions to take. You can consider either win back your ex to find your love or is it possibleforget your ex-partner in order to move on. It is understood that depending on the choice to be made, the actions will be diametrically opposed. Therefore, it is up to you to make the right decision and choose the ideal course of action. If you are not sure what to do and before you make a decision, you really want to evaluate everything, then I advise you to do so follow this program.

Treatment of termination is of course possible and it is a mission I have set for myself for 9 years, but you should know that it is better to act in advance so that you do not have to suffer these terrible moments. As they say, prevention is better than cure. Plus, sometimes it doesn’t take much to make lasting change. Now you know what you have to do…


Your post-breakup advisor

Alexandre Cormont

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