the essential concept of common life

bonheur amoureux

happiness in loveWhat can both men and women look for in life? What do we all have in common? What concept is as important, if not more important than love?

Hello everyone, I’m Alexandre Cormont, love coach and love life speaker. The topic I want to discuss in this article could change your life. If I have the courage to tell you this, it is simply because my philosophy is mainly based on the concept of well-being in love and has already enabled thousands of people to feel more fulfilled and therefore better in their lives and in their relationships.

I will immediately answer the three questions posed above. And the answer will probably surprise you: it’s about luck! This is what will condition your existence because when we decide anything, we first of all think about the happiness that this act will bring us. This may seem selfish to some, but believe me, it has nothing to do with selfishness or selfishness. Otherwise, your life would be bland and you would never achieve your goals or dreams.

In reality, the real question is not to know why access to happiness in love is so important, but to ask how to achieve it and above all what it actually means… Well, you’re in luck because that’s what I’m going to talk to you about right now!

So what exactly is happiness? The truth is that it is a term that is not the same depending on who you talk to. However, there is another common point between all these people, it is not just joy that they seek, but indeed happiness as a couple. Indeed, it is love that occupies the largest part of your mind. And if that’s not the case yet, this article will prove to you that this feeling must be your priority because it will affect all other areas of your existence.

Human beings are not created to live alone

Given my experience, I was able to accompany thousands of people who were facing various problems in their love life and who needed concrete advice. I have been able to help men, women, students, job seekers and wealthy business leaders. Thanks to my interventions, I noticed and still notice, regardless of the age, social status or gender of the person in front of me or during telephone coaching, that an important element in people’s lives is happiness, but also love. the combination of the two is stronger than anything!

Moreover, in order to understand this, I invite you to do a little survey around you. Ask your friends, family members or even co-workers what is most important to them. I’m sure most of you will answer “happy” or “love”.

To love and feel loved is a feeling that everyone wants to experience.

But why is it so important to feel that emotion and share it with another person?

Simply because a man is constantly searching for a person who will make his heart flutter. Men and women were not created to live alone. Loneliness, friendly or sentimental, is a nightmare for most people. We all need someone by our side. We feel it since adolescence needed lovefeelings and lasts throughout life.

On the dating sites that are more and more on the web, you can see profiles that range from 18 to over 50 or 60 years old, because as I explained to you, at any age ‘we want to find love and live happily ever after. Happiness in a couple provides extraordinary emotions, it is true that you may experience disappointments, but the steps you will take will mark your life forever. First meeting, seduction, first date, moving in, all these moments build a couple’s life and each of us wants to live them.

Of course, everything is not always rosy, but if the sentimental life were too simple, then there would be no more fun! Shared happiness is important because it determines everything else.

When you’re not happy as a couple, it shows!

Happiness in a couple brings balance to your life. It’s not that single people or people going through crises in a couple are depressed and can’t experience powerful moments, but experiencing a magical moment alone and sharing it with another person is not the same feeling at all.

Lack of love or problems in a couple can also have negative consequences in other areas of life. Indeed, the impact of an unhappy love life is not limited to you and your partner. Whether it’s on a professional, friendship or even family level, if your sentimental life is a problem, these three crucial areas for your balance will be affected.wooden-heart-331339_640
Dedicate yourself to his happiness in couple it does not seem only for the benefit of your sentimental life, no, your whole daily life is affected by the actions you will take to improve or preserve it (I will have the opportunity to return in detail to the method to follow carry out these actions in the following articles that you will very soon be able to discover on my pages).

If I want to make you aware of how important it is to have stable connection statusthat fulfills you and that you want to protect is also so that other areas of your life remain stable or improve.

Don’t confuse love happiness with emotional addiction!

If you’ve read this article carefully, you’ll have noticed that at no point do I claim that the simple fact of being in a relationship guarantees you lasting happiness. A beautiful love story will give you a lot of joy and smiles every day, but being in a relationship and sharing your life with one person does not necessarily mean being fulfilled. Above all, make no mistake.

You must not search for a partner at the expense of your stability. As I regularly explain, before thinking about stability with someone, you need to be stable in your personal life. If your life is broken for x reason, you will commit to a story that will also be broken. Stabilize because it is the first step to happiness in love.

I follow many couples on the verge of breaking up and for whom arguments are a daily occurrence. In some of these situations, it can be said that celibacy is preferable because misunderstandings can lead to seizures, stress, insomnia and even more serious health problems. Don’t think that success in seducing a man or woman is the solution to achieving happiness.

You have to act, make decisions to make your story really beautiful and from there you will be able to see that the happiness of the couple has an impact on your everyday life.

These are the moments you will share together that will make you realize how happy you are and how important it is to preserve your partner’s feelings.


Your trainer for promote happiness in love

Alexandre Cormont

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